The Gunslinger’s Guide to Avoiding Matrimony By Michelle MacLean ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 The follow up to Michelle MacLean’s Hitched to the Gunslinger, The Gunslinger’s Guide to Avoiding Matrimony is finally here and the citizens of Desolation are up to more shenanigans! Running from the law retired gunslinger/gambler Adam Woodson stumbled upon the town of Desolation. His timing is perfect and he walks right into the mess groom selection/ wedding ceremony for the town and ends up married to spinster Nora. Nora hadn’t planned on picking a groom, but Adam will suit her purpose nicely- she only needs a husband long enough to inherit her property… too bad Adam has no intention of being that husband! Now the rules of Desolation state a man must marry or find a job… so Adam starts trying his hand at all the jobs, while Nora attempts to woo him to sign the marriage papers. In general this is a cute and funny premise, but Adam’s insistence that he can’t/won’t marry is too much. I felt for Nora and her inse...
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