Two Rogues Make a Right
Seducing the Sedgewicks #3
by Cat Sebastian
⭐⭐⭐⭐ /5
Will and Martin have been best friends since childhood. They grew up as neighbours, but their life situations could not have been any more different. Martin’s Baron father doesn’t approve of their closeness and offers to buy a commission for young Will in the Navy. Eager for adventure and not willing to overlook this opportunity, Will cups at the chance.
Little did they know that this would alter them forever and even bring them closer… After Will returns emotionally broken, it is Martin that finds him in Londons opium dens and nurses him back to health. So, it is unsurprising when Will is the one to rescue Martin when his chronic lung ailment flairs up again.
They escape to the country where they can just be themselves. Martin doesn’t have to live up to the responsibilities of being the baron now and Will is able to see that his affection for Martin is more than just friendship, but love. Martin has felt this forever, but due to his past and future demands, he never felt he could act on his feelings. But once they leave the simplicity of their country escape, can they keep what they have or will they have to return to the friendship they had before?
This a sweet romance that highlighted the extreme affection both characters feel for each other. They slowly one touch at a time evolve from friendship to lovers, and were always considerate of the others limitations and boundaries.
This was a cute read and a fun way to cap off the Sedgewick’s series.
Two Rogues Make a Right by Cat Sebastian is scheduled to release June 23rd, 2020.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from HarperCollins Publishers, Avon Books through Edelweiss+. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
#TwoRoguesMakeaRight #CatSebastian #Edelweiss #pinkcowlandreads
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