A Duke to Die For
The Rogues’ Dynasty, Book 1
by Amelia Grey
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ /5
A fun, light, no-stress historical romance! This is just what I have been in the mood for lately.
When Miss Henrietta Tween lands at the door of her new guardian, the Duke of Blackwell’s London home she is weary… Since the age of 7 she’s been through 5 guardians after tragically loosing her parents. She is cursed to loose anyone who cares for her. Lonely and concerned fro his safety, Henrietta is surprised to see the young Duke and becomes even more concerned when her feelings get attached to him. She must do something to keep him safe from her curse.
Lucian Blakewell was living the life of Riley until the young and beautiful Miss Tweed shows up. He will put everything at his disposal to find her a husband and have his peace restored… until he discovered that exactly not what he wants! Can he convince her to let the curse be damned and take a chance on loving him?
I loved the easy pacing and linear narrative. Blake and Henrietta complimented each other so well, and it was fun to see them fall for each other and fight the repercussions of that love. Sometimes a romance will have very high highs and low lows, which can add great drama and suspense. I appreciated this book for the easy going story and lighter drama. This book didn’t make me go through a wave of emotions, but kept me happy and enjoying it throughout.

A Duke to Die For by Amelia Grey is being re-release with a gorgeous new cover August 25th, 2020.
Thanks so much to Sourcebooks Casablanca for gifting me with my review copy. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
#ADukeToDieFor #AmeliaGrey #pinkcowlandreads
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