Second Chance on Cypress Lane Holly Grove Island, Book 1 by Reese Ryan ⭐⭐⭐⭐ /5 Scandal sends Dakota back to her small town beach home. SHe’s stayed away for the past 5 years and only infrequently visited since high shcool… being dumped by your first love can do that to you. Now that Dakota is finally back in Holly Grove, Dexter will do anything to get back into her good graces after breaking both their hearts with their break up years ago… can they become friends again? Could they become more?? The possibility seems viable until their work situations line up to make Dexter Dakota’s boss… This was a sweet coming home story that really focused on the idea that you can always come home. Dakota has been gone for so long, but Holly Springs is still her home and welcomes her back into the fold with open arms. She reconnects not only with her first love, but old friends and strengthens her relationship with her father. Low on steam, but high on relationship building, this was a comf...
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