Life’s Too Short
The Friend Zone, Book 3
by Abby Jimenez
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ /5
This book delivered all the emotions for me!
Vanessa is a travel vlogger who shot to fame when a viral video about her impending battle with ALS promts her to live her life for today. She may not have much time to live, so she is going to make the most of it because life is too short to waste! … But at the moment she is in her apartment living her life for her newborn niece that her sister left her her! Out of her element, Vanessa doesn’t hesitate… not much at least, when the junky neighbour next door nocks on her door offering to help out.
Soon Adrian, the tight laced lawyer is there everyday and these two have created their own little unit. Despite their obvious attraction to each other, they keep there relationship friendly due to Vanessa’s fear of her impending ALS… but with he chemistry between them can they keep it this way? And will Vanessa’s possible prognosis of ALS become a reality the she and Adrian will have to face together?
As always, Abby had me laughing and smiling form ear to ear at one point and then tears streaming down my face at another, The characters of Vanessa and Adrian were so vibrant and real that I felt like I was going through their ups and downs beside them. The stress and fear over ALS was well depicted and Vanessa’s philosophy of living for today made me want to rethink some of my own choices to make the most of my own life!
Beautiful story as always- a must read!
Life’s Too Short by Abby Jimenez is scheduled to release April 6th, 2021.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Forever Grand Central Publishing through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
#LifesTooShort #AbbyJimenez #NetGalley #pinkcowlandreads
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