Hate Crush Lush Money #2 by Angelina M. Lopez ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ /5 This book had everything I love in a good modern romance! Rockstars, princesses, young love, second chances and all the hate and angst you could ever want! I found reading this book that I quickly fell in love with both Aish and Sofia from the start. Author Angelina M. Lopez did an amazing job layering these characters, making very relatable and real. I was definitely on team #Aishia from the get go, even knowing that they had A LOT of work to do to make this happen. The third character of the book, Bodega Sofia, Princess Sophia’s new winery was fascinating to read about. I enjoy a glass or two of vino here and there… and now after all the details and scenes at the winery I feel like I know so much more of the process- I love when I learn something new! Overall this book grabbed onto my heart form the start and took me through an emotional roller coaster ride. At one point I was questioned if I could handle ...
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